What Wisconsin looks like

Well, folks. Last week sure was ranked up there on the List of Interesting Weeks. I must say.

I don’t have too much time to write a long entry about it, because tomorrow we head up north to St. Paul to visit Common Good Books (which is rumored to be owned by Garrison Keillor, of Garrison Keillor fame). So, my suitcase, which is barely unpacked from last week, needs to be packed up again.  But I do want to say hello.  Hello!  And here are some pictures….

Last week looked like this:

–Boswell Books in Milwaukee
front counter at Boswell Books

front counter at Boswell Books

knight in armor in the green room

knight in armor in the green room

–WTMJ where I was a guest on “The Morning Blend,” which is a live tv morning show (and you have to know that people rarely use the words “live” and “morning” when they refer to me in any circumstance… )

One of the guests was Toad the Wet Sprocket. Another of the guests in the green room was a guy in a suit of armor. He is a jouster. It was a jolly time in the green room…

Morning Blend with Molly Fay and Tiffany Ogle

Morning Blend with Molly Fay and Tiffany Ogle (I’m on the left, gesturing about something, who knows what…)

Toad the Wet Sprocket!

Toad the Wet Sprocket!

All went well last week… in fact, the worst thing that happened was that we didn’t have time to skip and hop and play around the state of Wisconsin, which is too bad…. it’s all business when you’re in the book business…. (unless you are challenged to fierce game of mini golf, played between the bookshelves… which I was…!

…  at Books & Co in Oconomowoc (where the Thiele family created a mini golf course inspired by Tom Thumb–I kid you not!

Lisa Baudoin and the Thiele family at Books & Co in Oconomowoc

Lisa Baudoin and the Thiele family at Books & Co in Oconomowoc

Aidan challenges me to a fierce game of mini golf

Aidan, a fierce competitor

the hazards they made from foamcore


Also, if you have read My Family and Other Hazards already, you have heard of “Tom the cook.”

He was at the Oconomowoc event!  Here is pic of us!

June and  Tom Haebig

June and Tom Haebig


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